Wednesday, April 8, 2015

how much knowledge do I have about my own clarinet history?

The Clarinet family is an instrument group that each one of them they have a different sound but correspond with each other in many different ways. So why did I choose this you ask? Or why I am intrigued on learning or exploring this task? Well I'm originally a clarinet player but also play saxophone , anyways I've been wanting to learn this for many years , but I never got a chance to find out the history or the other instruments that one day I would like to play.
    This task is a little challenging ,but not too hard for me to accomplish. Many people don't know how to read music or play an instrument so that's why I'm doing this for my assignment. So I can educate some people if they are interested on learning that they have no clue about it. So that's why I'm doing this assignment to motivate people who want to try something new they have never done before.
    I just want to be that person that helps making a difference for people like me ,yes I'm short and when I  was starting my instrument I was struggling and I could learn fast like the other kids in my class. Now I'm the top chair player cause I worked hard and gave it my best. Just by listening to other to make me know what I should do and made think if I want to learn another instrument. So ill admit it some instruments I cant play because of my height ,but that wont stop me from learning or maybe play one day. All the bad comments and people bringing me down that will only make me stronger and show that I can do things that I dream on doing in the future.

This is the complete clarinet family


  1. I look forward to reading your other posts on the clarinet. I could also learn something new.

  2. Your passion really shows! How will you educate others about your instrument?

  3. As a musician, your topic really intrigued me from the moment we sat at the computers researching!

  4. wow i didnt know this much! :O
    this is a cool topic awesome btw

  5. This is really cool Amariss. I love what ur doing.

  6. This is really cool Amariss. I love what ur doing.

  7. Your blog is interesting. I hope I hope I can learn more about the clarinet by reading your blog.

  8. I love that your doing this :) it will be interesting to see what you learn !

  9. I love that your doing this :) it will be interesting to see what you learn !

  10. Its cool that your dedication and hard-work paid off. I can't wait to see your presentation in class!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. The first video u showes me and Mrs Heckert was really cool and really funny

  13. I never knew that there were different clarinet sizes! I thought there was only one. I can't wait to see your powerpoint.

  14. Ur topic makes me want to listen to jazz even more!!!!!

  15. please comment on my second post

  16. Last night, I went online and found a lot of info on this. I had no idea what they are, when they were made, and where they were made.
